Hollow Metal Doors Installation, Repair And Maintenance Services in Toronto. UTS Group offers the hollow metal doors installation, repair and maintenance services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada. We have a wide range of hollow metal doors in 20, 18, 16, 14 gauge cold rolled and galvanized steel. These doors are strong, durable, water resistant, fire resistant and long lasting.


UTS Group offers hollow metal door installation, repair and maintenance services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada, as well as the entirety of Ontario, British Columbia, and Montreal. We have a wide range of hollow metal doors in 20, 18, 16, 14 gauge cold rolled and galvanized steel. These doors are strong, durable, water resistant, fire resistant and long lasting. We have dedicated, skilled and knowledgeable professionals for all installation services. They can also help you to select the best-suited metal doors to meet all your custom requirements.

Commercial Hollow metal doors are fitted where a strong enclosure is required for the safety and security of the premises. Commercial metal doors offer security and grace with unique designs and styles. That’s why they are also put in the category of commercial doors. Hollow metal doors are ideal for school entrances, office buildings, buildings for manufacturers, emergency exits, retail plazas etc. Before choosing an option, we should consider the types of hollow metal doors.


  • Flush Hollow Metal Doors
  • Hollow Metal Doors with Windows
  • Paneled Hollow Metal Doors
  • Grain-tech

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The mission of UTS Group is to provide one stop solution for all your advanced security needs. From installation, maintenance and repairs, count on the integrated security service for the best control of commercial or residential access.

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Hollow Metal Door Installation, Repair And Maintenance Services in Toronto

Commercial hollow metal doors are durable and sturdy for  commercial purposes. These doors do not chip, crack and have insignificant change through effects of weather on them. Moreover, they are fire resistant and water resistant. They do not wear and tear like wood. There are some reasons why hollow metal doors should be primarily used for commercial premises.

Structural Security

Hollow metal doors are exceptionally secure and safe for commercial purposes. That’s why they are commonly used in retail stores, office buildings, financial institutions and much more. A hollow metal door is a wise choice to save your commercial building from vandalism.

Different Style Options

Although hollow metal doors are primarily for security, these doors can be designed to your specific needs. You can select a plain or embossed design for your doors. They provide a pleasing appearance with a variety of colour finishes which are most suitable for all types of commercial buildings.

Energy-Efficient Doors

Commercial metal doors can also help to reduce energy costs. Their metal skin is very thin. There is an insulating thermal break between them. Moreover, these doors have super-airtight weatherstripping. Hence, they are energy efficient doors.

Protect Your Commercial Building from Fire

Hollow steel doors are fire resistant. They provide protection against the fire for up to four hours which can help to get emergency help through alarm systems. When fires breaks out, these doors prevent the fire from moving to other parts of your building.

Light Weighted Design

Commercial hollow metal doors are lightweight which makes them easy to move. As heavy door designs are difficult to move from one place to another. Hollow metal doors reduce excess weight because they are designed with a lightweight design formula with modernity.

A Wise Investment

Hollow metal doors are versatile, practical, sturdy and long-lasting doors. These doors do not demand much maintenance as they do not crack or dent easily. They resist fire, water and environmental damages of humidity. Hollow metal doors also use the metal frames which increases their durability.

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