Having Handicap Accessible Doors At Your Business Is A Must. Here’s Why!

Making your business accessible for everyone who wishes to visit it is a must. It is also required by many building codes that you do so. This process can involve a lot of time and research and often it can be pricey to say the least. However, they are a must-have.

Imagine you were unable to enter a business because it was not accessible to you. Not only would this be frustrating but you would undoubtable have a bad taste in your mouth where that business is concerned. You would wonder why someone had been so inconsiderate as to not consider you when they were thinking of who they wanted to patronize their commercial space. This is not how you would want anyone to feel about your business, is it? In order to avoid this, Metro Door & Hardware of Detroit can install handicap access auto operators.

These operators will work to make it easy for those in wheelchairs to enter your business just as easily as those who are capable of opening doors for themselves.

If you are interested in accommodating everyone who would like to enter your commercial space, call Metro Door and Hardware today. Our friendly and professional staff will give you fast and easy services as well as an affordable price. You may also want to ask about our other services as we are constantly trying to help businesses make their spaces easier to access and safer. Contact us today! We would be happy to help you!

Handicap Accessible Doors

A common challenge today is finding an automatic door opener that does not cost thousands of dollars. Many churches are finding the need to have at least one automatic opener on their building for access by persons with physical disabilities. Likewise, many small business owners are finding that local governments are requiring handicap access in many retail situations, especially restaurants. The task of finding a door opener that does not cost many thousands of dollars at installation and then requires expensive ongoing maintenance is daunting.

We all see the door openers at the mall and big retail businesses that open and close for every customer as they approach the door and then pass wheelchair-user-lady through. But in many situations, that elaborate of a system is unnecessary and unaffordable. In many instances, the automatic opener would only be necessary for a few persons a day or for only a few times a week.


Imagine a church or business that has hundreds of people come through the door in a day, with only one or two of those people needing access assistance. Having everyone use the automatic opener makes no sense and is cost prohibitive as well. Did you ever open a door with a non-functioning automatic opener attached? It’s not easy, as the door opener adds resistance and makes the door more difficult to open.

Automatic Door’s for public access is not a matter of whether you should automate your business or church for public access but how can you afford to do it.

The second issue is what door operator should you be looking for to make your business accessible to people who are disabled or simply making it accessible for people with pets, packages, senior citizens or because you want to.

First, decide how you want the doors to be controlled. This can be anything from a simple button on either side of the door that when depressed the door will open and after a preset time the door will close. Or it can be a motion detector that when a person approaches the door it will open automatically when it detects a person in the path of the door.

When it comes to wheelchair accessibility, something as simple as operating a door can prove to be an obstacle. Automatic door opener systems can provide independent wheelchair access for homes and public places. Indeed, for anyone with limited mobility, due to age or physical disability, an automatic door opener can make life a lot more manageable.

Away from home, automatic doors allow businesses to welcome everyone entering and exiting, regardless of their physical capabilities. Also, the Americans with Disabilities Act mandated that public places install automatic doors in order to provide access to those with mobility challenges.

The main difference between a commercial handicap door opener and a residential automatic door opener is size and functionality. A personal use opener is usually smaller and lighter in construction; automatic door openers in public applications need to stand up to a lot more use and are designed to be a lot more durable. In both applications, however, these openers are either installed on the door itself or on the jamb above the door.

When correctly installed in the home, a residential door opener turns most swinging doors into an automatic door that can be controlled by the push of a button on a wall switch, a coded key pad, or a hand held transmitter similar to a garage door remote control unit. In addition, automatic door opener devices can be customized to meet specific needs.

For example, the actuator, or on-off switch, can be installed in a variety of places for easy access. Automatic door openers allow adjustable hold-open time, and usually come with an auto-close feature. Neither the door nor the door jamb needs to be modified in order to install an automatic door opener, and they will fit in most rooms, regardless of the type and size of the room or door.

The main drawback of an automatic door is that, because it runs on electricity, if the power goes out, or if the batteries on the remote switch wear down, the automatic door becomes a manual door, again. Also, some openers require set-up which involves working with electrical wires, so a professional may need to be hired for their installation. However, these slight disadvantages are easy to address.

The good news is that automatic door openers are a great tool for creating a more independent lifestyle. For more information and expert advice, contact the pros at UTS Group. We are here to assist you in the purchase, installation, and maintenance of your automatic door opener.

Automatic Doors Handicap Washroom Doors