Chimney Relining

Chimney Relining Service Chicago

There’s a few common reasons that chimneys need to be relined. Regardless of whether you’re replacing an existing chimney liner, or you want to line your chimney for the very first time, Chimney Sweep Near Me can provide your Chicago area property with expert chimney relining service, installing top-grade, high quality stainless steel chimney liners seamlessly and efficiently.

When existing chimney liners have been in place for many years, they begin degrading and work much less efficiently. Additionally, clay chimney liners, previously common but now very rarely installed, work far less efficiently and safely than metallic chimney liners. Chimney Sweep Near Me can help replace your existing chimney liner with a brand new liner, or fully line your existing flue to exemplary professional standards.

We recommend relining your chimney with a metal chimney liner because:

  • Metal flue liners are easier to install, and are pre-fabricated in a wide range of shapes and styles that can be fully customized to the exact specifications of your particular chimney
  • Metal flue liners are easier to install, and are pre-fabricated in a wide range of shapes and styles that can be fully customized to the exact specifications of your particular chimney

If your chimney liner is old, degraded, or malfunctioning, it’s an absolute necessity to have it professionally replaced, for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • To protect your home from combustables, especially woodwork adjacent to fireplaces
  • To protect masonry from creosote or other corrosive byproducts of fires. Unlined chimney masonry will deteriorate rapidly from creosote build up, which will in turn dissolve the morat and reduce the efficiency and lifespan of your chimney
  • To ensure your flue efficiently and properly runs, even well it’s poorly sized. Sometimes flues are improperly sized – but a chimney liner can resize chimney flues to fit properly which will improve your chimney’s drafting and your chimney’s ability to remove toxic fire byproducts.

Chimney Liner Replacement

Chimney liners are required by legal mandate as unlined chimneys are incredibly dangerous. If your existing chimney liners are cracked or degraded, contact Chimney Sweep Near Me for rapid, affordable, and custom tailored chimney liner replacement service.

Chimney Liner Repair Chicago

Our highly experienced and trained chimney repair technicians will provide a full video inspection of your chimney liner, assessing the level or stage of potential damage in order to provide custom-tailored repair suggestions, including small scale tear-outs or full chimney relining – and all for a competitive and affordable rate. Contact Chimney Sweep Near Me today for Chicago’s best chimney liner repair service.

Our highly experienced and trained chimney repair technicians will provide a full video inspection of your chimney liner, assessing the level or stage of potential damage in order to provide custom-tailored repair suggestions, including small scale tear-outs or full chimney relining – and all for a competitive and affordable rate. Contact Chimney Sweep Near Me today for Chicago’s best chimney liner repair service.

Chimney Sweep Near Me provides chimney sweep, fireplace repair and cleaning services throughout Chicagoland area not limited to: