Chimney Crown Repair Service Chicago
Chimney Sweep Near Me provides expert, professional chimney crown repair service to properties everywhere in the Greater Chicago area. Chimney crowns, also known as chimney washes, are the top element of chimneys – are meant to seal and cover the top of the chimney from the flue liner area to the chimney’s edge.
It’s common for chimney crowns to inadequately extend and cover the chimney, as mortar chimneys are commonly constructed in a way that can crack, chip, or deteriorate due to typical weather patterns. Keep in mind that quality chimney crowns are made of cement, and have an overhanging drip edge that extends at least two inches beyond the exterior chimney walls in order to provide quality runoff room from the crown away from the chimney’s sides to prevent erosion of the chimney structure itself.
Chimney Crown Replacement Chicago
Chimney crowns are essential to prevent a wide range of chimney, flue, fireplace (and other) structural issues that affect the integrity and safety of your property. Chimney Sweep Near Me provides expert chimney crown replacement service to properties everywhere in the Greater Chicago area.
When issues are detected in chimney crowns, time is of the essence to conduct repairs – minor cracks can be resolved through resurfacing work – and extensive damage might warrant a complete reading of the crown. Chimney Sweep Near Me can provide this resurfacing repair work – as well as larger chimney crown repair, overhauls, and even replacement – as based on your chimneys unique needs.
Some signs that you require chimney crown repair include:
- Strange smells in your fireplace
- Dripping fireplace water
- Powdery white stains in your fireplace
- Smoke drafting in your room rather than up the chimney when fires are lit
- Chipping or broken bricks at the chimney’s top
- Cracks in the chimney cement or bricks
If you notice any of these issues, contact Chimney Sweep Near Me right away for convenient, affordable, and high quality chimney crown replacement. It’s recommended to have chimneys inspected anyhow, on an annual basis before fireplace usage season – and during one of these inspections, if one of our expert technicians determines a chimney crown replacement is necessary, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you and your chimney will receive the highest quality service available in the industry today.
Chimney Crown Installation Service Chicago
Chimney Sweep Near Me’s expert chimney technicians install chimney crowns at properties throughout the Chicagoland area. Our team measures and installs custom-fit crowns to your chimney that can efficiently wick water away from your chimney flue, and into your roof.
Chimney Crown Replacement Chicago
Chimney crowns are essential to prevent a wide range of chimney, flue, fireplace (and other) structural issues that affect the integrity and safety of your property. Chimney Sweep Near Me provides expert chimney crown replacement service to properties everywhere in the Greater Chicago area.